Latest Offers

BYD Offers.

Sales Offer

For the month of July, BYD will match the current electric vehicle VRT relief in Ireland.

When you buy a BYD Atto 3 or BYD Dolphin from one of our 3 BYD dealerships, you can save an additional €2,333 on the BYD Dolphin or €2,959 on the BYD Atto 3.

To find out more about these and more offers or to discover the BYD Atto 3 or BYD Dolphin in more details click below.


Sales Offer

24 hour test drive available at MSL Motor Group

We understand the importance of experiencing before you purchase....and what better way to experience one of our 3 BYD models than to avail of a 24 hour test drive.

This is exclusively available at MSL Motor Group - so enquire in our of our for dealerships; BYD South Dublin, BYD North Dublin or BYD Cork.


Available at.